Thursday, August 27, 2009

There nothing wrong with being called a gimmick in gaming

When Nintendo first came out with the NES most expects called the controls a gimmick and said due to the arrows no one would want to use it. The same experts said the NES was also doomed to fail because gaming has a whole was called a gimmick. So Nintendo added ROB and called the NES a entertainment system. Then when the N64 came out the analog control was called a gimmick again by many gamers until it was copied on and improved. When the rumble came with Star Fox 64 again many so called expects called it a gimmick and to note so did I. I remember even laughing at the rumble pack myself. When Ultima's MMO came out many called the idea of an MMO a fad and gimmick.

The term gimmick is correct when talking about something new and appealing. Many of what you would now call standards in gaming was a gimmick at one time. A tool used to prove itself because it has a something which makes it stand out that others don't have. One more thing to think about once the Sony motion control and the Natel is out the Wiimote will no longer be a gimmick. From that point motion controls will be a new standard in gaming. Maybe not used in every game, even the Wii does not do that. But never the less the Wiimote motion or waggle if you will becomes startard.

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